Men’s Ministry will resume weekly studies in the Fall! More info to come!

Jesus made disciples by doing life with them, including learning, eating, serving and celebrating. Jesus told them and tells us to go and make disciples like he did.

This means we will do what Jesus did as much as we can by
learning, eating, serving and celebrating together.


We will read through parts of the Bible and ask how what we read teaches us about who God is, who we are and how that applies to our daily lives.

This winter that will be working through the book of Judges. We will read through Judges and ask what the text means, what it says about who God is and who we are, and also how what we are reading applies to our daily lives.


Jesus knew that talking about life happens around food more than any other activity we do. It was around food that Jesus talked about the stuff of everyday life: money, relationships, conflict, anger, family, work, sex, purpose and more.

So, we will eat together, and during that time, discuss the questions men have in our everyday lives; being open and honest and helping each other see how the gospel of Jesus makes a difference in every area of our lives.


Jesus sent his disciples on mission to make a difference in the world around them. So, we will serve the community by giving our time and skills to someone or an organization in need.

Splitting into pairs or groups of three, each group will choose how they want to serve; putting their faith into action and serving as Jesus served.


Jesus celebrated with his disciples at weddings and parties. Part of our time together will be to have fun together, maybe through watching a sporting event or doing something fun as a group.

This is part of doing life together; building stronger relationships with each other that can also lead to opportunities to share our faith and be a light in this world.